Harker News!

Monday 29 October 2012 at 06:41

Time for a bit of an update - I know I'm rubbish at keeping up a blog, but lots is happening here at Harker Central. For far more regular, daily views of what I'm up to, follow me here:

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/roggibson
Twitter: @RogGibson

I update my Twitter three or four times a day at least, and post on Facebook most days - you'll find lots of photos of my recent trip to New York with Vince on both. So anyway: NEWS!

Vince and I visited New York for a few days last week, specifically to do research for the currently untitled Book Three of Harker (and visit the New York Comic Con whilst we were there).

As many of you will know, we have a three book deal with Titan Books - Book One (The Book of Solomon) is already out on the bookshelves, available in any bookshop or comic shop - if you don't see it there, just ask them. Book Two (also completed) comes out in the summer next year, and Book Three (which takes place in New York) is due out in summer 2014. The plot for Book Three is mostly written now, and we start work on it in about six months.

 Also throughout November I'll be writing the first draft of my second Harker novel - the first one is currently being looked at by a publisher, more news on that when I get it.

I can't tell you the title of this yet, or indeed anything about it, but Vince and I are working on a new comics project right now, which will also be published by Titan Books. All I can say at the moment is that it's going to take us six months to complete, and that I think you'll love it. As soon as it's complete, we go straight into work on Book Three of Harker.

Again, I can't give you any details of this yet, but this is another strip that I've already started work on, this time with a different artist. More than that I can't say, but the publisher likes the pitch, and once we've shaken hands on it I can be slightly more forthcoming. Expect to see this within the next few months.

So it's a busy period here,with work on three different comics and a new novel. So if it seems quiet out there, it's hellishly busy here! Keep an eye on the blog, Facebook and Twitter for more about these ongoing projects, I'll reveal more as soon as I can!



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